Krejt sipas Powow Entertainment
Kompania Powow Entertainment ka kenaqesine t’i njoftoje adhuruesit e muzikes rap se ne Prishtine do ta sjelle nje rap kengetar shume te njohur e shume te kerkuar.
Ata qe e percollen koncertin e The Game ne Prishtine tashme e kane te qarte se kompania Powow Entertainment nuk i zhgenjen adhuruesit e muzikes.
Kenaqesia jone eshte me e madhe me faktin se ky artist qe do te performoje ne Prishtine eshte shqiptar dhe emri i tij njihet nga te gjithe. Ai eshte Unikkatil.
Unikkatil eshte definitivisht artisti me i kerkuar shqiptar ne bote. Vet fakti qe ka refuzuar 15 oferta deri me tash tregon se sa i kerkuar eshte.
Powow Entertainment si kompani qe nuk i zhgenjen adhuruesit e muzikes, pas shume perpjekjesh dhe negociatash, ka arritur qe ta binde rap kengetarin shqiptar per te performuar, per here te pare dhe te fundit, ne Kosove.
Me kete rast njoftojme gjithashtu publikun qe jemi ne pergatitje te nje mega festivali qe do te mbahet ne Prishtine dhe ne te njejten kohe publikojme lajmin qe Unikkatil ka pranuar oferten tone dhe ai eshte nje nder emrat te cilet do te performojne ne kete festival.
Powow Entertainment do te ju informoje per detaje te tjera dhe per artistet tjere qe do te marrin pjese ne kete mega festival.
Data e Koncertit pritet te behet e ditur se shpoejti nga Kompania Powow entertainment
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Powow Entertainment Company is pleased to announce that fans of rap music in Pristina will bring a famous rap singer very much wanted.
Those who followed the concert of The Game in Pristina have already clear that the company did not disappoint Powow Entertainment music lovers.
Our satisfaction is greater with the fact that this artist will perform in Pristina Albanian and his name is known by all. He is Unikkatil.
Unikkatil is definitely the most requested artist community abroad. The fact that rejected 15 bids so far shows how demanding it is.
Powow Entertainment as the company did not disappoint fans of music, after much effort and negotiation, has managed to persuade Albanian rap singer to perform, for the first and last, in Kosovo.
In this case also inform the public that are in preparation for a mega festival to be held in Pristina and at the same time publish news that Unikkatil has accepted our offer and it is one of the names who will perform at the festival.
Powow Entertainment will inform you further details and other artists will participate in this mega festival.
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