
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Biografia e Rrebel A.K.A Unikkatil

Vendlindja: Prishtinë
Mosha: 31 Vjeç
Ditelindja: 28 Dhjetor 1981
Shenja e Horoskopit: Bricjapi
Viktor Palokaj (Rebel aka Unikkatil) lindi ne nje familje me tradite. Ai eshte nipi i Gjon Palokes d.m.th. udheheqsit te ballit kombetar. Njeriu i cili nuk ua dha tokat e stergjysheve skllaverve. Armiku deshi ta denoje me vdekje, por nuk arriti.

Shkollen fillore e kreu ne Prishtine, pastaj u regjistrua ne Gjimnazin "Sami Frasheri". Ne fillim ishte nje nxenes i sjellshem, por me vone u be problematik dhe u perjashtua nga shkolla 3 here, por perseri nuk pushoi sepse zemren e tij ja morri rruga dhe Hip-Hopi. Muziken rep e filloi 12 vjeç mirpo nuk vazhdoi sepse ne ate kohe repi per te ishte shume i thjeshte sepse ai kendonte rep te vertete.

Ne vitin 1992, Unikkatili inqizoi kenget e tij te para “Demokraci” dhe “Ta zhdukim Policin” dhe ne vitin 1993, ai inqizoi kengen e pare profesionale me titull "zingjiret qe s’kputen”. Pas disa vitesh, saktesisht ne vitin 1995, Viktori perjetoi nje tragjedi, ku shoku I tij I ngushte, Dren Thaqi u godit nga treni dhe vdiq. Per kete qe ndodhi, ai shkroi dhe inqizoi kengen “Shpirti N’Paqe” si kujtim per Drenin.

Ne kohen kur per nje fjale kunder Serbise paguaje shtrenjte, Unikkatili shkroi kenge ne te cilat permendeshin emra te policve serb si ajo “Vdekje Serbis” e megjithate Radio sklleravia ne Prishtine nuk i trasmetonte, keshtu qe nga te gjitha kenget e Unikkatilit te asaj kohe u emitua vetem “shpirti n’paqe”.

Muzika qe bente Unikkatili ishte Hip-Hop eksplicit, tekste qe pa frike paraqisnin realitetin ashtu si ishte dhe keto ishin arsyet kyqe te mos afirmimit te tij ne ate kohe. Ndonese do mund te zgjidhte rrugen e lehte deri te fama duke mos perdorur shprehje eksplicite ose fjale kunder pushtetit te asaj kohe, sic kishin bere shumica apo te gjith reperet tjere te asaj kohe, ai nuk nderroi stilin e tij dhe mbeti reper eksplicit dhe real, por I panjohur.

Me 1996 Unikkatili u fut ne perleshje me nje familje shqiptare dhe hyri ne gjak me ta. Kjo ishte arsyeja pse familja e tij vendosi te shperngulet per ne SHBA. Ata u vendosen ne Bronx (New York), vend ky mjaft I banuar nga komuniteti shqiptar ku atje edhe e vazhdoi endrren e tij. Ne vitin 1998, Unikkatili ben nje kenge me disa anetare te ABI, te cilen e titulluan “Albanian Rule”, kenge e cila ishte me shume freestyle dhe shaka. Ne po ate vit, Unikkatili punon kengen “if i die u die”, kenge kjo e cila nga shume shqiptare shihet si kenga me e mire rep e stilit western.

Viktori kur arriti ne USA, formoi menjehere klanin TBA (The Bloody Alboz) ne gjuhen shqipe (Shqipet e Pergjakshme), ne te cilin nje pjese e anetareve merren me muzike rep. Unikkatili ka edhe studion e tij te inqizimeve te emeruar “CONQUEROR RECORDS” ne te cilen punon te gjitha kenget e tij. Albumi i ri i ti i perbashket me grupin The Bloody Alboz (TBA) i titulluar "Armiqt Suprem" ka shitur me 8000 kopje mbrenda 3 ditesh. Ky Album theu recordin ne shitje, shkruan gazeta e Kosovës "Lajm". Asnjë album tjeter i ndonje Rep - Këngtari a grupi nuk është shitur me kaq kopje, brenda nje kohe kaq të shkurtër. Ne vitin 2008, TBA nxjerr albumin e titulluar “KANUNI I KATILIT" Ai tani esht ne pergaditje te albumit te tij te (te 4-tin) dhe te fundit e cila do ti ket disa keng hite.


Viktor Palokaj (Rebel also know as Unikkatil) was born into a family with tradition. He is the grandson of John Palokes namely of the National Front. The man who didn`t gave the lands to slaves. The enemy wanted to kill him, but failed.

Victor finished the primary school in Pristina, then he got registred to middle school "Sami Frasheri". In the beginning was a polite student, but later he became problematic and was expelled from school 3 times, but again he didn't change because his heart assumed street and hip-hop. Victor began rap when he was only 12 years old but he didn't continue beacuse rap was very simple because he sang really rap.

In 1992 Victor wrote songs "Democracy" and "To Gulf Police" and in 1993, he record first professional song called "Zingjirët Që S'kputen." After some years, precisely in 1995, Viktor had a tragedy, where his close friend Dren Thaqi was hit by a train and died. He wrote a song " Heart in Peace" as a reminder for Dren.

In time when for a word against Serbia pay expensive, Victor wrote a song in which Serbian policve cited names like "Death Serbia", but Radio Selavia didn't broadcast, so from all songs of Victor were broadcast only "Heart in Peace".

Music that make Hip-Hop Victor was explicit, without fear texts that present reality as it was and these were key reasons for affirming its not at that time. Although the will can choose the easy way to fame by not using the explicit expressions or words against the government of that time, as they had done most or all other reper that time, but he didn't changed his style and was explicit and realistic, but unknown.

Victor was included in 1996 in clashes with an Albanian family and entered the blood with them. This was why his family decided to move to the USA. They were placed in the Bronx (New York), this highly populated country from the Albanian community where he continued his dream. In 1998, Victor make a song with some members of the ABI, which called "Albanian Rules", which song was more freestyle and jokes. In that year, he worte the song "if i die u die", this song which is seen by many people as the best song rap in western style.

When Victor arrived at USA, he immediately created his clan called TBA (The Bloddy Alboz), in which a part of the members involved in rap music. Victor has a studio record called "Conqueror RECORDS" where he works all his songs. New album called "Supreme Enemies" has sold 8000 copies within 3 days. This album broke sales recordin, the paper says in Kosovo. No other album of any reper singer or group didn't sold 8000 copies for such a short a time. In 2008, Victor with TBA create new album called "The Canon of the Katil".

